The Chess Experience

Updates: Schedule Update & Video Pod Episodes

Daniel Lona

News updates for this week: 1) GM Susan Polgar is coming to the show very soon! 2) You can submit a question for Susan by joining my Patreon membership (deadline to submit Q is 2/27 at 1pm CT.) 3) Because I’m prepping so much for that interview, there won't be a show this week. 4) Videos of my pod interviews will be coming soon on my new YouTube channel. See you all soon!

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Hey there, I hope you're doing well. This is a news update for you on several items for this podcast over the next couple of weeks. First, the most exciting news is that in a couple of days I'll be recording an interview with the legendary Grandmaster, Susan Polgar. I couldn't be more excited to share that with you. I'm still deciding on the release date for that, but it'll be in one or two weeks. Still deciding on the release date for that, but it'll be in one or two weeks Plus, and I know it's short notice, but you can submit a question for Susan Pulgar and I may select it for our interview.

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All you have to do is sign up for my Patreon and respond to the post that solicits questions for Susan. Of course, by being a member of my Patreon, you get many other benefits too, beyond just asking questions of my guests. But for this week that may be the biggest benefit. And just so you know, you'd have to join my Patreon and submit your question for Susan by Thursday, February 27th at 1pm Central. That's Thursday, February 27th at 1pm Central time, and the link to join my Patreon is in the show notes to this episode. So I hope you join. I'd love to get a question from you to ask Susan Also, because I'm spending a ton of time preparing for my talk with Susan.

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There won't be a regular episode this week, Sorry about that. I just want to do a really good job preparing for her interview. I'm reading an entire book of hers that she's about to release and there's just a lot that goes into it, so I'm trying to make that one extra special, one extra special. Finally, the last news I have to share and this is exciting, I think is that I'm going to start recording my interviews on video and there will be a YouTube channel where you can watch video clips from future episodes. This is a first for me in my podcast's history and I'm very excited about it.

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I'm also very nervous about being on camera all the time, but I think it'll be worth it. And it's still to be determined whether I'll make full video episodes available on the YouTube channel, but at the very least, there will be two to five minute video clips to watch from each episode. And, don't worry, I'll still be releasing regular audio episodes wherever you listen to your podcasts, so that won't change. That wraps up the news I have for you this week. While there's not a full episode today. There will be a very exciting one soon, in a week or two, with Susan Polgar. Thank you for listening to the show. I hope your chess journey is going great and I will talk to you soon.

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