The Chess Experience
The Chess Experience
IM Boroljub Zlatanovic - How Amateurs Can Play Like GMs & Making Chess Principles a Top Priority
102 Learning from a prolific chess author and course creator is always exciting. Today we dive into various chess improvement topics from Serbian International Master, Boro Zlatanovic. Boro has published over two dozen courses and books. And in just five years! And his two most recent courses have been published with Chessable, including Masterpieces of Amateur Play and Conversion in the Endgame.
One thing that stands out about Boro, and that I find refreshing, is that while we’re in an era where most published works are focused on openings, Boro prefers to write and teach about strategy, endgames, and chess psychology.
In our discussion, we chat about:
- What you can learn from annotated amateur games, not only master games.
- The psychology and attitude you ought to have when playing higher-rated opponents.
- Why you should focus on understanding chess ideas & principles as the guiding star of your chess journey, not just memorization or what engine analysis tells you.
More From Boro:
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